Sunday, April 25, 2010

Highway to Literacy

teaching guide facsimile available now from

Monday, April 19, 2010

nonsense verses from Now Read This

The daughters of the yachtsman
Were waltzing with the bears
The choir sang a chorus
That echoed down the stairs.

If you think this is crazy verse
Be patient - I can do much worse.

They thought I caught the many fish
I brought home in the yacht
They should have known
I have no shame
I bought the whole damn lot.

Onomatopoeia ...
Crash and splash and crunch.
Why do feeble judges sniffle
As they munch their lunch?

by Geoffrey Falkenmire

Monday, April 12, 2010


I have made up my mind
I will depart from hence
And do my humble teaching thing
Behind my little fence

Because there is enough
More than enough indeed
To keep me fully occupied
My students have real need.

I don't want seminars
Or workshops by the ton
About the methods I must use
The things that must be done.

The methods that we use
The hours that we spend
Must be those that are functional
The teacher has to bend.

If I can teach my folk
To read and write and spell
Then let me grapple with my lot
And let me do it well.

So I will go chez moi,
And do the first things first,
Don't organize me eins, zwei, drei! -
Or else I'll surely burst !!

by GWF

- some things never change!

Sunday, April 4, 2010