Thursday, March 18, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

the sound of a as in spar - from Lesson 1

Many units of Now Read This have lists of words that have the same sound. Each word is read out aloud and highlighted so that the learner can follow easily. The learner can interrupt this by clicking on a word to hear it alone. In each unit the easier words are on the left and only these need be learnt by the beginner. The other words are for more advanced learners. The tutor should supervise to ensure the learner is working at an appropriate level.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lesson 10

This coloured image gives some idea of what this unit is like. The writing is read aloud to help the learner to understand what this lesson is about.

The buttons at the bottom of the page allow the user of the program to go to other pages in Lesson 10. Throughout the program, the green buttons will take the user to the next or previous units as set out in the program. The back button will take the user back through the units that they have been looking at.

This is the printable version of the introductory page to Lesson 10 of Now Read This. Every interactive unit in the program has a corresponding printable page. These are instant worksheets or homework or revision sheets.

Monday, March 8, 2010

567 units in Now Read This

Click here to see a list of all of the units that are in this extensive programme.

Learn at home, be a home tutor, use it in a classroom - there really is something for everyone.

This is the cover for the printable units in Lesson 10. These units look at words that end in sounds like shun, shuss and shul.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Poems On Pedagogy by GWF

These poems are the first chapter of a book of poetry by G W Falkenmire published in 1994.The book is called "Verse you can read". This chapter is "On Pedagogy".

'"These are poems that you can understand. They will make you laugh and they may bring  a tear. They will capture and retain your attention. They will not bore you. Read them aloud and be captivated by the pictures they paint."

Download 15 poems in pdf format by clicking here.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sample unit from Lesson 1


This unit from Now Read This has easy words in easy sentences. The image shows links at the bottom of the page, and the top right corner. These take the learner smoothly to other parts of the programme. They are carefully designed to answer questions that might arise from the reading on this page.